Credit Card
To make a gift by credit card, click here or contact Institutional Advancement Office at
Cash/Bank Transfer
You can make a gift by bank transfer to one of the following accounts:
Robert Kolej Accounts:
Yapı Kredi Bankası Ulusmahallesi Şb. (626) 48993746 (TL)
IBAN TR80 0006 7010 0000 0048 9937 46 (TL)
Garanti Bankasi Ulus Sb. (395) 6298202 (TL)
IBAN: TR17 0006 2000 3950 0006 2982 02 (TL)
Akbank T.A.S. Arnavutköy Sb.(339) 75422 (TL)
IBAN TR17 0004 6003 3988 8000 0754 22 (TL)
You can easily make a gift online with a credit card by visiting the giving site.