RC Friends Find Success with Agave Games

The start-up aims to become a global leader in every gaming genre it enters.

Oğuzhan Merdivenli RC 14 jumped into the mobile gaming industry in 2018 and quickly convinced Burak Kar RC 15 and Baran Terzioğlu RC 14 to do the same, seeing the sector’s potential. A few years down the line in 2021, Alper Öner RC 15, who was working in consulting in the US at the time and Merdivenli brewed up the idea of Agave Games, as Öner relates: “Ulaş Nuhoğlu, a software engineer from RC 13, joined the team a few months after founding the studio. Later, we convinced Emir Kotil RC 15 to join us as well, who was someone we had wanted from the start. Burak and Baran, who were impressed by the ambition and progress that we achieved in the time between, finally started to seriously consider moving to Agave. After adding them as co-founders, we now have no doubts that we could be a global leader in the industry.”

500 Istanbul, of which another RC alumnus Rina Onur Şirinoğlu RC L3 04 is a partner, proved to be the right address for fund raising given their vision, mentorship, and global connections. Agave Games received $7 million from 500 Istanbul, Felix Capital, and Balderton Capital in 2022. Alper states they have high ambitions: “We will focus on the casual puzzle genre for at least three years, but after that, we might consider tackling different genres. Our goal is to become a global leader in every genre we penetrate.”

Photo: Agave Games was founded by RC friends (from L to R): Ulaş Nuhoğlu RC 13, Oğuzhan Merdivenli RC 14, Alper Öner RC 15, Burak Kar RC 15, Emir Kotil RC 15 and Baran Terzioğlu RC 14

Published January 2023

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