Three Alumni Bring Veda to the Stage

Veda, adapted by Nedim Saban RC 86 from the novel by Ayşe Kulin ACG 61, stars Nevra Serezli ACG 65

Nedim Saban RC 87 has adapted the novel Veda by Ayşe Kulin ACG 61 for the stage. Based on a true story, the play takes place in a mansion just like Kulin’s great-grandfather’s in Istanbul during the occupation. Saban is also directing the play, which stars Nevra Serezli ACG 65. Kulin states that when Nedim Saban approached her to stage her autobiographical novel, with Nevra Serezli as the leading performer, she knew she was in reliable hands: “I worked for more than ten years behind the camera, so I was aware that the novel would be shortened; some parts might be omitted, and some lines might be added because novels and plays speak different languages.”

Saban perceived Veda to be particularly suitable thematically for the Republic’s Centennial. Serezli states that she was in love with the novel already and collaborated with Saban in every step of the way to bring the play to the stage. Indeed the adaptation took more than a year. Saban underlines the importance of being “very specific about how much of the story you want to portray and what you want to tell behind the story.” Saban also enthuses about his star: “Nevra and I collaborated at another play five years ago, Trees Die Standing Tall; thus, we trust each other. Working with an experienced star helped me to overcome my loneliness in this long process.” The play has already had over 30 performances all over the country, to cheering audiences, standing ovations, great reviews. Saban observes that “every generation strongly empathizes with the characters and feels attachment to the story.” 

Published November 2023

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