Debate Society Hosts Eurasian Schools Debating Championship

During the semester break the Robert College Debate Society hosted the 12th annual ESDC (Eurasian Schools Debating Championship) online. RC hosted 98 teams joining us from Romania, Greece, China, Singapore, Slovenia, USA, Taiwan, Denmark, United Kingdom, Canada, Slovakia, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Philippines, South Korea, Lithuania, and Turkey and welcomed over 400 participants via Zoom. Here are some of the issues that the teams debated were the situation if the members of the Board of Directors of a company elected by its employees, whether the Biden administration should repair relations with China instead of pursuing aggressive containment of China and whether “I was only following orders” is a justified defense for war crimes.

The champion of this year's ESDC was WSDC Singapore after winning the Grand Final they played against Team China Mulan.  RC students would like to thank all those who made this happen: the RC Administration, Parent Teacher Association, all OrgCom members and our advisors Mr. Erkorkmaz, Ms. Keyman, and Ms. Gümüş.

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