International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all aspects, and to increase awareness around them in political, social, economic and cultural life.

RC, in this sense, is a welcoming environment for its students, faculty and staff. The school is making ongoing improvements to provide campus accessibility for disabled people. Ramps and stairlifts make it possible to access the buildings. Issues around disabilities are raised and discussed in relevant courses and counselors and teachers aim to raise the awareness level among the students.

From its inception in 2006, the Community Involvement Program (CIP) at Robert College has actively supported the rights, needs, and visibility of people with disabilities, facilitating over 55 projects around Turkey. CIP has collaborated with schools such as Turkan Sabancı School for the Visually-İmpaired and the Ataşehir İşitme Engelliler İlkokulu, rehabilitation centers in Mersin, Afyon, and Sivas, and NGOs such as İZEV, ZİÇEV, Düşler Akademesi, Tomurcuk, Tohum, Parıltı Association for the Visually İmpaired, Cappadocia Association for the Disabled, Altı Nokta Association for the Visually İmpaired, TİED- Türkiye İşitme Engelliler Derneği, and OGAD – Otizm Güçlü Aile Derneği, among others. We have also partnered with Beşiktaş Municipality’s Disability Coordination Center, and Ankara University’s Autism Research Center.

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