Cafeteria is Composting its Waste

RC is taking a step to make the campus as near to zero waste as possible.

As part of the Environmental Education at Robert College, RC is working on the separation of waste food in the cafeteria and the infrastructure to deal with it. The plan is that the school will have a working system when the students come back. RC has over 1400 people on campus every school day. An instructional video is being prepared and signs will be ready to explain that we will be separating organic from in-organic waste in the kitchen, and the waste in the cafeteria into 4 categories: Organic, Dairy, Meat/Fish, Paper/Plastic.  

The paper and plastic will be recycled, The meat and fish will be packaged, cooled and fed to the campus cats. Other organizations are contacted so that some will be found who will benefit from any excess RC produces. For the dairy products, RC is experimenting with Bokashi composting which will ferment this waste without any odor. The largest category will be the organic waste from the cafeteria and kitchen. To work with this, an area is created near Music House to compost all of the leave, grass and organic food waste. The resultant soil will then be used to create new permaculture garden beds throughout the campus, both as student projects and for interested campus residents.

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